jeudi 28 mars 2019

Annonce n° 121/2019 : ANG200 et ANG300

ANG200 and ANG300 Students
The Midterm Exam is 5 parts:
Part A: Language Knowledge (grammar)
Part B: Vocabulary
Part C: Reading Comprehension
Part D: Writing
Part E: Listening
NOTE: The listening part of the midterm will take place in class BEFORE April 11th.
 Your teacher will inform you in class. It is a 10-15 minute test.
Grade Distribution
Attendance and Participation                              5%
Speaking Activities and Oral Presentation         10%
Midterm Exam                                                   25%
Final Exam                                                         60%                

You are encouraged to attend at least 50% of ANG200 and ANG300 to be able to sit for the BULATS. 
It is noteworthy mentioning that your personal efforts are highly appreciated.
NOTE: In case you can not attend 50% of ANG 200 and ANG300 courses, kindly refer to your “Chef de département” as soon as possible.
Beirut, March 27th 2019